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Examining Board

Cambridge International Examinations

a white cube with metal balls in it

Syllabus Number



Course Benefits

Foundational Knowledge

Develops a strong foundation in physical processes that govern the world, preparing you for advanced studies in pure or applied sciences

Career Opportunities

Opens pathways to future careers in fields such as engineering and computer science, regardless of whether you pursue Physics at higher levels

Global Awareness

Helps you become a confident participant in a technologically driven world, capable of understanding and contributing to discussions on scientific topics

Assessment Overview

Paper 2

Multiple Choice, accounting for 30% of the total assessment

Paper 4

Extended answers, focused on your ability to elucidate physical processes, contributing 50% of the total mark

Practical Assessment

Involves a written alternative to practical experiments, making up 20% of the overall grade

Course Structure

Foundational Skills: Lays the groundwork for further study at the AS level, building a robust understanding of fundamental physical concepts.